by playactors | Nov 3, 2021 | Heard & Seen, On Stage
We are very excited and proud to announce that our very own Pepa Duarte will be in a season of the Royal Court Theatre!Eduardo Arcelus, Joseph Balderrama, Pepa Duarte, Pía Laborde-Noguez, Jimena Larraguivel and Sebastian Orozco have been cast in the WORLD...
by playactors | May 24, 2021 | Heard & Seen, On Screen: TV
We’re delighted to announce that our super-talented Chiraz Aich will be on TV again! This time in Episode 7 (“Black Box”) of ‘THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE’, Season 3. Don’t miss this awesome series!Chiraz’s episode airs on 6th June.
by playactors | Apr 15, 2021 | Heard & Seen, On Screen: TV
Our Chiraz Aich will appear in the Sky Original series ‘INTERGALACTIC’. Look out for her in Episode 7 of Season 1. Awesome work Chiraz!We are so proud of you!!!
by playactors | Apr 7, 2021 | Heard & Seen, On Stage
Yay! Pepa Duarte had so much fun working with Punchdrunk theatre company. She was part of ‘THE WILD VISITOR’, a free project for children aged 3-11 years old and their parents or carers to do together. It will be led by you in your home, and can involve a journey...
by playactors | Mar 17, 2021 | Putting in the Work, Training
That’s today’s mantra inspired by our Enya Hendriks who is now doing a LABAN movement course at Studio Soma for the next 8 weeks. Studio Soma is a company that started during lockdown, so kudos to them! Well done Enya for continuously working on your craft! 🎞...