by playactors | Oct 16, 2017 | Directing, Heard & Seen, On Stage, Other Talents
Tatiana Collet-Apraxine has been directing a piece for a scratch night at the Cockpit Theatre, created and produced by Rich Creative, and it opens TOMORROW, 17th of October! The night will explore the theme of witchcraft in relation to womanhood. Rich creative was...
by playactors | Sep 23, 2017 | Directing, Heard & Seen, On Stage, Other Talents
Tatiana Collet-Apraxine is currently in rehearsals, directing a piece for a scratch night at the Cockpit Theatre. The performance has been created and produced by Rich Creative. The night will explore the theme of witchcraft in relation to womanhood. Rich Creative was...
by playactors | Oct 30, 2016 | Heard & Seen, On Stage
Anne-Sophie Marie and Marilii Saar have been cast in the same theatre production of ‘LE GRAND MEAULNES – A REVERIE’. The bilingual show, created by writer-composer Tyrone Landau and directed by Luke Dixon, was selected to open the Voilà Festival, a...